Wednesday 24 December 2014

Blue door

Hello guys!! I found this perfect lined coat and it is so elegant and warm. Add a little class to the look. I like it so much and it is so easy to combinate it with other pieces. I think this is one of the must have pieces, because good lined, classy coat is really important. I do not wear a lot of classy pieces, but this is one of the pieces woman has to have. Of course I have to combine it with my favorite hat.
Christmas is almost here. I feel so happy and looking forward to go home soon. On Sunday I am leaving back to Slovenia. So just a few days and I will be back home to see all my loved ones. 

Heiii!! Pred nekaj časa sem nasla lepo klasičen plašč, ki je tudi topel ob enem. Naredi outfit malo bolj klasičen. Res mi je všeč in je enostaven za kombinirat k ostalim koso. Mislim, da je to eden od "must have" kosov, ker je res lepo oblikovan, klasičen model. Ne nosim veliko klasičnih kosov, ampak ta je definitivno eden izmed najpomembnejših kosov v ženskih omarah. Seveda sem ga morala kombinirati k mojemu najljubšem klobuku.
Božič je skoro tukaj. Res sem srečna in se veselim, da se vrnem kmalu domov. V nedeljo se vračam nazaj v Slovenijo. Tako, da v nekdaj dneh bom z mojimi ljubljenimi v Sloveniji.

Love you guys!

shoes - Bata / handbag - Michael Kors / coat - H&M / hat - attitude by BSR

Get this look for $191+ on Lookastic: Orange Wool Hat, Orange Leather Tote Bag, Brown Coat, Black Leather Skinny Pants, and Black Leather Over The Knee Boots


  1. Ful lep plašček! <3

    Welcome (almost) back!

    1. Hvala :** Yes, komaj čakam, da sem nazaj po dolgem času! :))
