Friday 12 December 2014

My favorite winter piece

Hey guys! I have to say you sorry that I haven't posted anything for about a week. I was studying for 12 hours per day and I haven't had even time to eat normal. One day I actually forgot to eat the whole day, because I was so stressed and occupied about this exames. It is not easy to study law subject in 1 week and even harder to study in language that you started to learn 3 months ago. But now for one thing that happened in between this crazy week. I received my package of two hats that I wanted so much! In dirty orange and green color. I really love them! Now I can not put them off!! And what do you think?! I think hats are really must have at winter time.
Heiiii.. Moram vam reči, da mi je res žal, da nisem objavila nobenega novega posta že en teden. Sem se učila 12 ur na dan in res nisem imela časa niti normalno jesti! En dan mi je celo uspelo pozabiti jesti cel dan, ker sem bila res pod stresom zaradi izpitov. Ni se enostavno naučiti katerega koli predmeta iz pravnega področja v le enem tednu in še težje v jeziku, ki si se ga začel učiti pred tremi meseci. No zdaj pa k eni stvari, ki se je zgodila v tem tednu. Dobila sem paket z dvema klobukoma, ki sem ju čakala tako dolgo. V umazano oranžni in temno zeleni barvi. Ljubezen na prvi pogled! Zdaj ju ne morem nehat nosit! Kaj pa vi menite?! Mislim, da so klobuki en najbolj pomembnih zimskih kosov. 

Love you guys and stay tuned for more must have of the season!

Get this look for $135+ on Lookastic: Orange Wool Hat, Gold Ring, Orange Leather Tote Bag, Navy Skinny Jeans, Pink Coat, and Black Studded Leather Boots

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